Android Video Protector v8.1
On your Android Tablet or Phone, Do you have a few sensitive videos that you want to keep secret? Do you want to distribute some videos on Android Platform, but you only want some people your specified to view this video, and others can't view this video?
Android Video Protector is the solution to help you to meet this requirement.
How to protect video files on Android Platform?
Android Video Protector Solution contains two software, there are Android Video Protector and PPVM Video Player.
Android Video Protector is a video encryption software running on Microsoft Windows Operate System, it uses a password to encrypt the video you hope to protect, and supports 4 types encryption mode, They are
1> Device Binding, One Device, One Password
2> Non Device Binding, All Device, One Device ID, One Password
3> Non Device Binding, All Device, One Password
4> Encrypt video only
How to playback the encryption video on Android Platform?
Because the video is encrypted, the general video player can't playback this video, PPVM Video Player is the player running on Android Platform and supports playback the encryption video. it firstly check the playback password, which can be generate using Android Video Protector, after complete the password authentication, it will playback the encryption video.
How to protect video sharing?
Each encryption video has a VIDEO GUID, VIDEO GUID is different on different Android device for the same video. To playback the encryption video, it requires a playback password. The playback password is base on the VIDEO GUID and the encryption key, can be generate using Android Video Protector. Because the VIDEO GUID is different on other Android device, a playback password is only valid on one Android device.
On getting started, please view How to use Android Video Protector.
Download Android Video Protector to protect your video now.